Monday, September 8, 2008

Cheddar Ale Fondue

With the help from Katie, I made a menu for Saturday's gathering for the UFC fight. Katie suggested I do some sort of Cheddar Ale Dip with pretzels etc. Well since I have a deep love for soft pretzels, I decided on soft versus the hard. So here I was scurring around Costco Saturday morning, on the phone with my mom who was searching for a great Cheddar Ale dip recipe, and looking for soft pretzels and any other yummy goods to serve to my friends coming over who don't like anything crazy different. My mom kept coming across cold dips but I was on the hunt for a warm cheese for the soft pretzels. She finally came aross this super easy one that was very yummy and was a big hit!!

8 oz. neufatchel cheese (or any low fat cream cheese)
8 oz. cheddar cheese, shredded
8 oz. mozarella cheese, shredded
3/4 c. beer
1 tsp garlic salt (or to taste)
freshly ground black pepper

Add all ingredients into a rice cooker (or crock pot if you have enough time) until melted, stirring occassionally. After mixture is melted or nearly melted, turn the rice cooker to "keep warm". Serve with soft pretzels.

Oh so German!!


Michelle said...

This sounds great, and I just love your blog! So cute!

Risa said...

Thanks for visiting!!